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Day 141

Sunday Evening Blues, that melancholy feeling that whispers "Here comes Monday. Gird your loins." The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.

Day 141: Today I said goodbye to wedding to-do lists and tried to get back into a regular rhythm at work. Easier said than done.

This sign was hanging in my daughter’s apartment this weekend. It strangely expresses how I feel today . . . The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.

Do you ever get the Sunday Evening Blues? It’s the melancholy feeling that whispers “Here comes Monday. Gird your loins.” Well, I said goodbye to wedding busy-ness, and I said goodbye to the blues, and now I’m saying goodbye to Monday, because it’s almost time to go home. Crushed it! Take that, Monday. I’m pinning that to Mom’s towel. #MomsCompanyTowels #SundayEveningBlues #MondayMullday

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