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Day 140

Day 140: There was a Royal Wedding yesterday, laden with fanfare and worldwide coverage for all the world to witness. The day before, we held a wedding, laden with our own version of fanfare, and shared the day with not the whole world, but with our world—all those who love our daughter, Meg.

Meg is an amazing young woman. She is tender-hearted and thoughtful and aware of others’ feelings. She’s kind and helpful and the best auntie to her little nieces and nephews. She’s also smart and talented and just happens to be beautiful, too. She found her other half in Jeff. These two belong together, and it’s going to be wonderful watching them begin their life together.

Meg is our last child to wed. The whole endeavor was one of those “lasts” I wrote about here: Lasts and Firsts.

The last time to throw a wedding celebration for one of our children. That means we’re getting older. It means we’re officially empty nesters again. They’ve all flown the coop. It’s a better feeling than I anticipated. It almost feels like a new beginning for my husband and me, too. As we send off our daughter and her groom into a new life, we’re feeling a little bit the same way. That’s exciting! To give yourself a new beginning! We don’t have to wait for a wedding, or any other event as a catalyst. We can catapult ourselves into a new beginning whenever we feel it’s needed. In our case, we get the opportunity to focus on our coupledom again, which can take a back seat when you have kids to raise and weddings to plan. It’s a good feeling!

I need to thank all of our family for all of their help in the last weeks—for traveling from afar to be with us—for throwing showers—for Becky’s professional bridal photos—for everyone pitching in to help with reception details—for help moving furniture into their new apartment—for cousins and a sister sleeping over to wake up at 4am to make the bride beautiful—for all the help and support to turn it into a day the bride and groom will never forget, even when they do the same thing for their youngest child and set off on a new beginning of their own.

I need to thank our heavenly family for all the unseen but keenly-felt support and love from up above. We had angels celebrating with us. I am certain. I think my mom and dad shared in the celebration of their 76th anniversary, too.

Meg and Jeff tied the knot. They’re sealed for time and all eternity. The future looks bright!

A shoutout to the kind people at the Salt Lake LDS Temple, including Meg’s sweet temple escort, Sister Bonnie Parkin, who couldn’t have been cuter or made Meg feel more special.

A shoutout to the people who pulled our reception together: Sharon Duncan @SharonsBuds for her beautiful floral arrangements, Laurel Smith @Provo_WhiteWillow Reception Center, Page at Page Harston Photography, and Paul Morris at Sodalicious Catering.

And now, the sickening array of photographs I warned you I would post. It’s the last wedding! You can’t be surprised by my self-indulgence. And, besides, this is still officially one of Mom’s towels, and she would have definitely covered the towels- and the fridge - with photos of the big day.

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