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Day 133

Mothers Day

Day 133: Happy Mothers Day! Earlier this week I called this day the Trifecta of Unluckiness. This year, May 13 is Mothers Day, the 22nd anniversary of Mom’s death, and the first anniversary of my first book release, which my mother will never read.

I’ve had many people ask me why I’m spending what would’ve been my mother’s 90th year posting things about her. It’s a valid question; one I’ve tried to answer several times; one I’ll probably try to answer several more times before the year is through.

Here is one more reason: my mom had insights to share, and her time for passing those down ended way too early. If I don’t pass them down to her future generations, they’ll be lost to the world. And that breaks my heart. Her future generations deserve to know what a kind, smart, intuitive, funny woman she was. They may also recognize some of her traits in themselves. And as I pass down what she taught me, I’m also passing down a little bit of who I am because of her, and that’s important, because I don’t know how long I’ll have to pass stuff down before my opportunity ends.

I spent the weekend with our kids and grandkids, and watched my four daughters mothering the next generation. They are amazing and capable women who are doing an excellent job of mothering. As I watch, I see my mother’s influence in some of what they do. And that is what I call a very LUCKY Mothers Day, after all. #MomsCompanyTowels #LuckyMothersDay #Mothering

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