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Day 128

A yawn is a silent cry for more Diet Coke

Day 128: It’s HAVE A COKE DAY! It’s also MOM Week in my Towel World, and I’m thinking about the ridiculousness of the term “working mom.” Anybody who has ever been a mom or paid attention to their own mom for ten minutes knows that the clause “hard work in perpetuity” is the definition of MOTHERHOOD. Because it never ends. Never.

My darling almost-two-year-old granddaughter spent several days with my husband and I, and I realized some important things:

1. Being a grandmother is even more fun than being a mom.

2. There is a reason women bear children in their twenties and thirties and NOT in their fifties. Mothering toddlers requires the energy and stamina of youth.

3. My home is not baby-proofed. (My children will laugh at this because they point it out quite often, but with a house full of reunion stuff for this weekend and even more wedding stuff for the next weekend, there is a lot of stuff for curious little hands to check out . . . freaky fast little curious hands!)

4. It is a miracle all four of our children successfully aged to adulthood. A hallelujah-worthy miracle. Hallelujah!!

This was on my daughter-in-law’s letter board when I was there last week: “A yawn is a silent cry for a Diet Coke.” To mothers everywhere, I praise you! Keep up the good work! And for heaven’s sake, if you’re yawning, have a Diet Coke, because today’s the day. #MomsCompanyTowels #HaveACokeDay #WorkingMom

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