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Day 125

Cinco de Mayo: The day when you can add another layer to the 7-layer dip with feeling guacward.

Day 125: Happy Cinco de Mayo Smatterday! The day when you can add extra layers to the 7-layer dip without feeling guacward about it.

Are you eating your favorite Mexican food today? We’re postponing our fiesta until tomorrow after church, and then it’s on!! For a bunch of white people, this house can whip up some decent multicultural food. The love of certain foods in our house seems to correspond with the languages spoken here - German, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, and Kansas City (that would be the language of BBQ ribs.)

I don’t mean to brag, but I do speak Restaurant Italian, Restaurant Spanish, Restaurant French, and Restaurant Thai on an intermediate level . . . that’s to say, in American restaurants. When my husband toured in Germany, he ended up with schnitzel no matter what he ordered, and if that can happen to him, I already know I’m not Restaurant-Proficient in other countries. Suffice it to say, in this house we’re an International House of Foodists. Hmm....that reminded me of IHOP. We might need pancakes for dinner. I can totally speak Restaurant-Breakfast. #MomsCompanyTowels #CincoDeMayo #ISpeakRestaurant #Smatterday #Guacward #GuacamoleJoke

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