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Day 120

National Honesty Day. Let's be honest. Honestly. Honestly? Honestly!

Day 120: It’s National Honesty Day, people! Let’s be honest . . . shouldn’t every day be honesty day? It’s one of the top ten, right? Commandments, that is. I was about to type “We don’t have a “Let’s not murder anyone today” day, but I better look that up — maybe there is. Sad, what this says about our world, but lies have been told since the Serpent was twisting his words to Eve. So, perhaps we do need a day to remind us to be honest.

My mother ran an honest household. She often started sentences with “Honestly, Honey, you should . . .” And sometimes, it was a curse word, muttered through gritted teeth, “Honestly!!” And sometimes it was an incredulous one-word commentary on the state of things. “Honestly?” the way I tend to say “Seriously? You’ve got to be kidding me.” In fact, she could hold an entire conversation with the word. “Mom, I need to be at the school at 7 am.” “Honestly?” Both eyebrows raised. “Yup. I have a yearbook meeting before school.” “Honestly?” Eyes squinting to detect an alibi. “Yes. We have a deadline. And I need to borrow $20 bucks for the bus fee to the state game.” “Honestly.” Her eyes roll as she tsk-tsks the cost of a bus ride. “Hey, Mom, I’ll pick up a babysitting job and pay for it myself,” I say when she hands me the last twenty in her wallet. “Honestly.” She chides, patting my hand as she places the cash in my palm. I look up at her, questioning the money. “Honestly,” she whispers, “honestly.” In my mother’s house, Honesty Day would have been welcomed. Honestly. #MomsCompanyTowels #HonestyDay

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