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Day 118

Pay It Forward Day! Ready? Set? Go!

Day 118: It’s Worldwide Pay it Forward Day! A spectacular concept! My mom was the queen of paying it forward, back when we just called it kindness to others. She was always sending me on delivery errands - a block of cheese to a neighbor, (sounds weird, but normal for dairy farmers) a sack of potatoes to a family who just moved in, and anything else she sent me into the world to deliver.

I remember a day in 7th grade when I woke up a little late and missed the bus. Mom drove me to school. As we neared the turn-off to the school, she kept going straight toward town. We ended up at McDonalds. It was the first one - when fast food was modern and cool. She bought me breakfast at the drive-thru and handed the cashier a twenty while quietly saying “Will you use this to pay for the car behind me, too?” I perked to attention and looked behind us. “Do we know them?” “No,” she answered. “That’s what makes it fun!”

I happen to be married to a Pay-It-Forward man. He doesn’t think I notice. When we travel, he always has extra cash in his pocket. He doesn’t pass a person in need without handing them a little. New York kept him busy. So did Paris. So did the Old City. A friend once asked why he did this, and he said “If they’re asking for help, they must need it.” He’s also just like my mother in the drive-thru. He’ll be upset with me for writing any of this down, but I need to thank him for his example of selflessness and kindness before I let him slip back into the shadows. Thank you. #MomsCompanyTowels #PayItForward #GoodExampleOfAGoodExample

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