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Day 117

A graduation diploma is Page One: Here's your chance to fill in the blank.

Day 117: At the university where I work, it’s graduation day. I can tell, because there’s no parking anywhere, there’s a fresh coat of paint on the curbs (I don’t know why this corresponds to spring graduation, but it occurs every single year,) the grounds crew has spiffed up the flowerbeds, and the snakes of orange cones marking the paths for the marching graduates have appeared on the sidewalks.

We’ve been talking about books this week, and I keep thinking about the four-plus years of hard work that goes into earning a degree - and that moment when the final final has been taken and we stand in line and shake the dean’s hand and receive our diploma - I mean our lovely embossed book that is completely empty. (They don’t send the real diploma until they see our grades on those final finals.) Receiving that lovely embossed book is symbolic and important.

I like to think it’s empty because as the graduate “commences” into the real world, they’ve prepared that empty book to be filled with incredible experiences, important discoveries, and grand adventures because of the knowledge they’ve gained.

I hope they consider that simple paper diploma their Page One and fill it so full it can’t be closed! Congratulations, graduates! Fill up that book with the best you’ve got in you! Go on! Commence! #MomsCompanyTowels #BookIt #PageOne #Commence #HappyGraduation

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