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Day 114

Dusty bookshelf? Look closer. Each book is a portal to another world. I've traveled the universe through that dusty bookshelf.

Day 114: Yesterday was World Book Day. Did you take a moment to identify your favorite? I simply cannot. It’s beyond me. My mother taught me to read far before I went to school. Reading is a dormant superpower, lying in wait for we humans to harness. I will always be grateful my mother read to me.

When I write, there’s usually a bookish character. I can’t help it. Every story needs a character who feels like I do about books. In the story I’m writing now, that character is Emmie. She’s 24, she majored in art history, she just opened an antique store with her sister, and she’s got more superpowers than you’d expect from a bookish girl. When someone criticizes the shelf of used books in her shop, she can’t help but set them straight. “Dusty bookshelf? Look closer. Each book is a portal to another world. I’ve traveled the universe through that dusty bookshelf.” Listen to Emmie, pick up a book, and make your escape. #MomsCompanyTowels #BooksArePortals #LostFromFound #AmWriting

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