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Day 105

This book is dedicated to my siblings whom I love beyond measure. You milked the cows and slept in the basement so I wouldn't have to. You filled the gaps of growing up with everything our parents couldn't You patched the cracks of grief with Christmas packages and Sunday dinners.
Words for my Sibs: National Sibling Day

Day 105: This week I lingered on words - old encyclopedias, a Churchill quote, synonym rolls, subjecting my words to the critique of others, gratitude for words when some of us have none to use, and a Scrabble celebration, among other wordy thoughts. To wrap up the week, I’d like to skip back to Wednesday, which was Siblings Day—a day to post embarrassing childhood photos on social media, or for you Only Children, a day to relish in the full attention of your parents. My siblings all live in or near our home town. All except me and Mark. I moved away. Mark moved to heaven.

We met last week for breakfast, which is always the highlight of a trip home. This weekend they’ll be meeting for breakfast without me. So, in honor of Siblings Day, I’ll share the dedication from The Mystery Girl, because I wrote these WORDS for them. Happy Belated Siblings Day! I love you to the moon and back, and with every one of my words! #MomsCompanyTowels #SiblingsDay #WordWeek #WordNerd

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