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Day 100

Updated: Apr 12, 2018

What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll.
Cinnamon Roll Recipe. What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll.

Day 100! If you’re reading this, you’ve successfully navigated through the first 100 days of 2018! Congratulations!

I’m patting myself on the back because, hey, I’m down by 100 of Mom’s Company Towels! Only 265 to go! It’s also Cinnamon Roll Day! And I’ve dubbed it Word Week, so there you have it. The call for this joke:

What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll!

Come on. It was kinda funny.

To celebrate these milestones, I’m switching up the way I post these dailies. I’ll still post on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, but you’ll need to tap the link to read the editorial (I’m an over-explainer. What can I say? Apparently, a lot. I can say a lot.) This way I can add more photos and recipes, like this one for Cinnamon Rolls! Download it here.

Moving forward, if you're on Facebook, just tap the link and it will bring you here. On Instagram, tap my name and then tap the link in my bio, and you'll end up here! And, of course, you’re always welcome to pop directly into my website, where all the Company Towels are stored in one nice bathroom cabinet, um, I mean, one nice Jotter category. You can browse through the other Jotter entries if they look interesting, and find bits of trivia about the series I published last year.

You have a standing invitation - just stop on by and see what Day 101 has in store. #MomsCompanyTowels #Day100 #SynonymRoll #wordnerd

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