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Day 101

Updated: Apr 12, 2018

Life 101: Isn't life just one big introductory course?

Day 101: I laughed as I typed 101. Most introductory college course numbers are 101. I feel like I’m perpetually in 101. It might be because I tend to dabble here and there. Jack of all trades, master of none? Sounds about right.

I don’t feel like I ever advance to the upper level coursework. But isn’t life, in general, a 101 course? There’s ALWAYS more to learn. Take tonight for instance; I joined a local chapter of our state’s writing league in January, but I haven’t been to a critique meeting yet, and tonight it’s being held in my own hometown library. It couldn’t get any closer unless they met on my front porch. And I’ve already deemed it Word Week in Towel World. How many nudges must life give me? I suppose it’s a sign. I should go. But other writers read your words in those meetings. They critique your words in those meetings. They might become violently ill while reading your words in those meetings! It’s a terrifying concept! But because I hear my mother’s voice ringing in my ears, I will attend the meeting. I will walk in like it’s the first day in a new 101 class, and I’ll share some of my words. I’ll listen and pay attention and learn. I think some of my words better form a prayer before I go.

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