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Arrivals and Departures

In the middle of the night last night, I sat in the Labor and Delivery Waiting Room with David, watching my phone for the notification of an important Arrival.

In my heart, I have always felt that the heavenly Departures (the people waiting to come to Earth) and the Arrivals (the people who have just returned to Heaven from their time on Earth) all mingle together. For instance, my mother died two years before my youngest daughter was born. For those two years, I like to think my mother and Meg got to spend lots of time together. I feel quite certain that they did.

In 2017, our infant grandson, William, was a Departure and an Arrival on the same day. Our family had 90 minutes with him before he needed to return. You can bet that in the years since, I have constantly imagined him, back in Heaven, safe and sound, with all of our loved ones who arrived in Heaven before him. There has been great solace and comfort in that belief.

Last fall, William’s mom and dad announced that William and his two big brothers, Sawyer and Oliver, would have a new baby brother in a few months. It was such tender and amazing news for our family, and can you guess what I’ve been imagining ever since? I bet you can.

I’ve been imagining a Heavenly train station; grand and light and bustling with joy. There are groups of people sending off the Departures to Earth with hope and excitement and love. And there are groups of people gathering to welcome back the Arrivals from their Earthly adventure.

In William’s case, that same group of loved ones waved goodbye at one gate, and then ran to the other side of the station to welcome him back. But now William has a little brother who has been waiting in the Departure line.

I've been wondering, have they been horsing around? Have they been laughing together? Have they been talking seriously of what’s to come? I imagine William has been the big brother, full of advice about this crazy family of ours down on Earth, and enjoying his time with his little brother before he sends him off at the Departure gate.

This is what I was pondering as I gazed at the screen of my cell phone, waiting for the words that would announce the Arrival. And then the words appeared. "He is here!" Joy and relief and gratitude filled that empty waiting room to overflowing.

At 2:15 a.m. we had the privilege of holding one of Heaven's precious Departures. Milo Taylor Longhurst. Our newest Earthly Arrival. Welcome to the family, little Milo. We already love you to infinity and beyond.

I imagined William, standing quietly as the Departure gate closed, surrounded by his great grandparents and all of our loved ones, hopeful and excited, but just a little sad at the separation, even knowing that it would only be temporary.

It’s funny how polar opposite those gates are here on earth, and yet, exactly the same. We greet the Arrivals with joy and gratitude, and we send off the Departures with lumps in our throats and aches in our hearts.

Today, as we take turns snuggling our fresh-from-heaven grandson, I will be thankful for the Departures, the Arrivals, and all of our loved ones on both sides of the veil who are waiting at those gates.

Today, I hope each one of you can feel the love of your loved ones who wait at the gate for you.

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