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Airport Gates

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

I'm already waiting, his note had said, the note she'd read while nearly hyperventilating at the gate. Get on the plane. Grab the moment, it had said. It was a pushy note, but she'd obeyed because turning moments in memories with him felt like the right thing to do.

I arrived at the airport before 6 A.M. to send off our students on a huge semester-long adventure and thought of one of my characters at the end of The Mystery Girl as she stood at the gate, making a decision to follow her heart or stay in her comfort zone.

Airports and their gates are magical portals, opening to worlds unknown. It may have been the early hour, but the thought made me feel like jumping through a portal to an adventure of my own. How about you? Are you ready for an adventure?

MEMORY PROMPT: What is your first airport memory? Where would your magical portal take you?

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