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JanaLee Cox Longhurst

~ Indie Author ~ Happy Dabbler ~ Aspiring Contributor to Humanity ~

Endeavoring to leave neither room for regret nor reason for repentance while on my journey home


I write because I love to write. It makes me feel happy. I write for myself.

It's only been a couple of years since I relaxed my white-knuckled grip to share what I write,

It feels a bit like sending one of my precious children out into the world. Terrifying.


The Making of Saying Goodbye

The Makeup Girl
The Mystery Girl
The Moment Girl
The Memory Girl
 In the

Uncertain Tides

Caught in the Rush

Tread the Tide

Weather the storm

Of Springs and Falls

JanaLee Cox Longhurst, Author

By day, JanaLee Longhurst interviews college students preparing for adventure amidst the dusty cobbled streets of the Old City.


Evenings and weekends, she vacates the office for an 1897 cottage in an artsy hamlet nestled at the mouth of a canyon, where she's a wife, mom, grandma, dabbler, and self-proclaimed midster writer with an over-active imagination that conjures up characters, dialogue, and storylines she feels compelled to share.


Longhurst is the author of the saga The Making of Saying Goodbye: The Makeup Girl, The Mystery Girl, The Moment Girl, and The Memory Girl. At the end of 2018, she released her first non-fiction book, Mom's Company Towels: 365 Memories for Sparking Your Own. 




One of my characters is very big on grabbing moments and turning them into memories before they get away. She's also big on jotting down those memories so they can never be forgotten. I think she's got it right.


In this blog, I jot down the memories and ideas tumbling around in my head. Doing so preserves my memories while making room for more ideas to tumble about. I think of it as my attic corner where I store the spectrum of my observations - from the wondrous to the absurd. Dust one off, if you'd like. 

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I'm located in Springville, Utah, but I'm rarely stationary. It's easiest

to catch me by dropping a note at this address:



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